Preserving the School for Future Generations
The board consists of parents, alumni as well as people from the community who are aligned with the school's statement of faith and its mission and purpose. The board has fiduciary responsibility for the school and protects the school's God-centered mission that educates with excellence and mentors students as followers of Jesus Christ. The school board hires and supports the principal who manages and leads the operations and staff of the school. The board oversees the development of overarching school policies, the financial health of the school, and helps develop the school’s strategic plan in accordance with MNSAA accreditation guidelines and requirements. The board leads the current capital campaign for the new school facility.

Christian Heritage Academy is incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The school is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible. Christian Heritage Academy is an independent institution with a budget that is dependent upon tuition, volunteer fund raising, and gifts from parents and friends.


Jon Boer, Board Chair, Parent
Shane Flannery, Vice Chair, Parent
Sam Bickel, Parent
Sunny Bowman, Parent
Terri Johnson, Head of School
Pastor Paul Marzahn, Community Member
Joel Koski, Principal